Baruch Chapter
Calendar of Events


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Calendar of Events

This page is updated frequently, so check back often for all upcoming events.  We won't want you to miss a thing.

February 2004

Thursday February 5th       CAREER FAIR
 12:30pm - 2:30pm  INTERNSHIP WORKSHOP
                                        Location: Baruch
                                        Room: VC 12-150
             This event was created by the Baruch College
                    Career Development Center.
                ALPFA Baruch is a co-sponsor of this event.

Thursday, February. 19 -            ALPFA
12:30pm - 2:30pm          Information Session
                                          Location: Baruch
                                                      Room: VC 12-150

Thursday, February. 26th -   BECKER CPA
  12:30pm - 2:30pm           Location: Baruch 
                                                Room: VC 12-150

Friday, February. 27th -JOHNSON &
                                             co-sponsored with
                                                Beta Alpha Psi
6pm - 8:00 pm                 "Financial leadership
                                             Development Program"
                                                Location: Baruch 
                                                 Room: VC 4-125

 Thursday, March. 4th -   INROADS
  12:30pm - 2:30pm      "Professional  
                                          Communicating Skills"
                                          Location: Baruch 
                                          Room: VC 12-150
If you're interested in getting more involved with ALPFA or would like to be a volunteer, please e-mail us at



Thursday, March. 11th -  
FleetBoston Financial 
12:30pm - 2:30pm    "Merger with Bank of America"
                                          Location: Baruch
                                                      Room: VC 12-150
Thursday, March 18th
Merrill Lynch
12:30pm - 2:00pm    "Informal Presentation"
                                      Location: Baruch VC 12-150
                                      Co-sponsor with CDC, ASEDOM, PRIDE, and 
                                      Sigma ALPHA Delta
Thursday, March 25th - 
12:30pm - 2:30pm        Firm Information
                                         Location: Baruch
                                                     Room: VC 12-150
Thursday, April 1st     
Internal Revenue Services
12:30pm - 2:30pm          
                                   Topic: Opportunities within
                                                    the IRS
                                                  Location: Baruch
                                                  Room: VC 12-150

Prospective members are welcome to learn more about us by attending an event.