Baruch Chapter
Become an ALPFA Member!


Contact Us
Calendar of Events

We are always looking for people interested in joining our organization.

Who Can Join?

Any student who shares our values and beliefs are more than welcome to be a part of this great organization. All majors are welcome. Once you become an ALPFA member, you will begin to grow personally and professionally. We guarantee it!

Benefits of Joining

Members have access to a national network of professionals in many industries, governement agencies and non-profit orgaziations.
Members have access to exclusive networking events
Members are notified of internship and job opportunities
Workshops sponsored by major firms and corporations are also accessible to ALPFA members
National members have access to exclusive scholarship opportunities and the Annual National Conventions
Our family-oriented focus makes ALPFA members very unique, because everyone is there to help each other academically and socially.
National members can post their resume on the ALPFA national website and they can also view internship and career opportunities available only to ALPFA national members
The experience you will encounter while being an ALPFA member is priceless.

How Can I Join?

The ALPFA-BARUCH Chapter is free to all Baruch College students.
You can join us:
 *Attending our events and signing up
 *Or by clicking here:
(Note: You must attend at least half our meetings in order  
  to be considered an active member)
To join ALPFA National there is a $20.00 fee for students.
Please click the link and complete the registration form.
We strongly recommend that you join ALPFA national




ALPFA Baruch Chapter* One Baruch Way* New York * NY * 10001