Baruch Chapter
Mission, Values & Principles


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Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting

Mission Statement

A shared commitment to enhance the goal of our parent chapter to become the leading Latino professional association dedicated to enhancing opportunities for accountants and finance related professionals students, while expanding Latino leadership in the global workforce.


Shared Values

·         Professional growth

·         Relationship building

·         Inclusiveness

·         Service

·         Integrity

·         Culture



Guiding Principles

·         We share a passionate commitment to increase opportunities for Latinos.

·         We commit ourselves to honesty, integrity and the highest professional and ethical standards.

·         We believe in the power of networking - to create value for all our members and stakeholders.

·         We cultivate individual initiative and leadership, within a spirit of teamwork.

·         We nurture an environment that thrives on mentoring relationships.

·         We dedicate ourselves to the professional and personal growth of our members.

·         We value the promotion and preservation of our bicultural heritage and bilingual skills.

·         We embrace community service and advocacy.

·         We welcome the involvement of all who share the mission of our professional organization.


ALPFA Baruch Chapter * One Baruch Way * New York * NY * 10001